Lecture Series

Done-For-You Educational Wellness Lectures

We are so excited! Over the past year, we have offered our lecture series only to our One Day to Wellness coaches. Now, we want to offer you the same great benefits of having ready-made lectures to help establish yourself as an expert in your community.

We created our Lecture Series with three main goals in mind:

  1. Recruitment
  2. Retention
  3. Revenue

Upon purchase, you will receive a video of the lecture, the powerpoint presentation to use, and the ability to offer these lectures live to your clients, facility members, and community members. You will gain the ability to offer these lectures for free or to charge a fee to attend.  

Not a coach? Not a problem! These lectures will teach you personally how to live a healthier and wellness-oriented life! Check out the lecture descriptions below or hop right into the store for more information.