It’s been a while since I have written a blog. I’ve been a little stumped since finding out that my PSA is rising again several months ago. More tests, more doctors, more treatment options to evaluate and…of course, no angst. Round 4, here we go again. I am not sure if I am just emotionally hardened to dealing with cancer, but what I can say is this: I am in a much better place mentally and emotionally with these recent developments than I have been when getting bad news in the past. I have been compelled to develop coping mechanisms through mindfulness and meditation that give me mental clarity and calmness in the face of this personal continued storm. I am so glad I found out about these tools and have implemented them. I know a lot of people don’t have the opportunity, for whatever reason, to take advantage of holistic nutrition and mindfulness when dealing with a life threatening illness and I can assure you that is when you need them the most.
Here is what I do know:
I feel great physically. Better than ever. I live IN THE MOMENT with this very fortunate situation every day. Not one second goes without my appreciation of feeling so…well. I can assure you that my diet is the key to my physical well-being and is a major factor in my current emotional stability.
Since being diagnosed with cancer almost 6 years ago, I have had way too much time stolen from me and my family because of the preoccupation of what is going to happen. I have made a pact with myself that I am NOT going to let that happen anymore. What’s the point. Worry and angst only work to destabilize health and wellness. Fear, anxiety, and depression are always a detriment, regardless of the situation you may be dealing with. I am done with that. What happens, happens, and I am going to make sure I spend every minute of my life being happy and helping others with the time available to me. No more stolen moments – we all only have so many, I am not going to waste any more precious time worrying about things that are out of my control. I am doing everything I can to deal with my cancer physically, mentally, and emotionally. Why waste more time worrying? Easier said than done, but having the right tools emotionally and mentally makes the process achievable and easier.
And…I am really happy. I am prepared to go into attack mode once again, but on my own terms and my own schedule. I am not afraid of launching into treatment again. I am determined.
So the moral of this blog is:
Don’t wait for a life threatening health crisis to take the time to develop the mindfulness tools we can all use to make our lives better. The tools are well documented, founded in good science, and available to anyone who is open to embracing change with the hope of a better life.