Husband and wife “Team Sherzai” have committed their lives to help people become more knowledgeable about simple, evidence-based steps to long-term brain and body health. Dr’s. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai are directors of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Medical Center and know firsthand that brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease are on the rise across the country and the world. For the first time, this dynamic duo is providing a FREE master class on maintaining brain health in conjunction with the Food Revolution Network.
I applaud the Sherzai’s for their pioneering work and identifying diet as a critical component of maintaining healthy brain function throughout life. They are great people and they have the ability to connect and communicate in a positive, encouraging style that motivates anyone. Both are experienced neurologists and they know the science better than anyone! Don’t miss this one-time opportunity to connect with “Team Sherazi” and learn their simple steps to maintain brain health for a lifetime!
Check out this video below from Food Revolution Network to learn more. Click here to register for this amazing event!
In this brilliant Masterclass, you’ll discover the four most dangerous brain lies that are harming millions of families. And you’ll find out about 10 potent breakthroughs that can unlock your ultimate brain health potential.
P.S. Ayesha and Dean have an incredible story. They both left behind lucrative careers in pharmaceutical research to discover and share the truth about brain health. In this Masterclass, you’ll be inspired by their remarkable story, and find out how to put their breakthrough research into action in your life. Click here to grab your spot now.