So where was I…
Well, I am sitting in bed in our RV, again, eating an incredible breakfast, again, that Mindy made for me (buckwheat pancakes with fresh fruit (you can see the video recipe on our website here:
We are in an RV park in Niagara Falls, Canada. We had a really great time at CanFitPro with the Wellness Wagon on the trade show floor, and then we drove here yesterday from the show.
The cancer update: After the PSMA scan showed a potential “hotspot” in my prostate bed, Mindy and I flew from Denver to Los Angeles, drove to Ventura and had the biopsy done (with no anesthesia). The same day we drove back to LA and flew back to Denver, where the Wellness Wagon sat. It was a long day.
The next day, got in the WW (Wellness Wagon) and began our drive to Atlanta for SCW. We camped at a little RV park in Tennessee, but when leaving, the engine seized and we had to pull over to park right next to a Cracker Barrel (there is no food meant for human consumption at Cracker Barrel! They are everywhere in the south and they serve cholesterol and saturated fat as their main dishes, but I digress…). We call a local RV repair place just over the border in Kentucky. The repair guy says our air compressor failed. We need at least a new main engine belt and he can’t fix it in the parking lot of the saturated fat delivery station known as Cracker Barrel. So we were towed to the Kentucky RV repair location.
As we arrive in Kentucky, the doctor calls from Ventura with the biopsy results. “Bruce, the biopsy came back NEGATIVE. All 3 tissue samples showed no signs of cancer.”
WHAT??? No cancer. Are you kidding me? Deja vu from almost exactly one year ago. Rapidly rising PSA (never good), but unable to definitively locate an actual tumor.
The needed air compressor won’t arrive until the next day, so we camp at the garage which was less than OSHA approved shall we say…
We realize we are left with little choice but to go back on hormone therapy to bring down the PSA and wait (hope) for another shot at locating the cancer at a later date. I don’t like this option but what else can I do?
Mindy and I have been doing some preliminary research into an extended water-only-fasting as an adjunct treatment to slowing cancer growth. There is some very compelling research on this subject matter and we have decided to pursue it. We contacted Dr. Alan Goldhamer at the True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, CA; We had a meeting with him at his office, which I recorded to share with you in the future. Based on our discussion and the research to date, we (both Mindy and me, because we do everything together) have decided to do a 10-to 12-day water only, medically supervised fast at the True North Health Center in Santa Rosa. Learn more about it here:
I am not expecting a cure, but there is good evidence that I may be able to significantly slow my cancer’s growth. What’s the downside? Actually, very little, to none, with a lot of upside. Please check out some of Dr. Goldhamer’s videos and articles here:
- (fasting and Lymphoma case report in British Medical Journal)
- (fasting and high blood pressure)
- (fasting and moderate high blood pressure)
- (fasting mechanisms)
- (interview with Dr. Goldhamer)
- (tedx talk on the pleasure trap by Dr. Lisle)
- (TV show on fasting with Goldhamer and McDougall)
- (GQ article on fasting at TNHC)
- (fasting lecture by Dr. Goldhamer)
- (TV news reports on fasting and TNHC)
- (Dr. Goldhamer I-thrive)
- (Fasting safety study)
I’ll have my PSA checked right before we go in and then again after we complete the fast. I may try to extend it to 12 days if possible. We will be blogging while we are there, so please stay tuned. We head to True North right after SCW Dallas at the end of this month.
Off to see Niagara Falls in full tourist mode. We are loving life on the road in the Wellness Wagon. Every day is a good one. Enjoy every second!