Like most Americans, over the course of my lifetime, I have given very little thought to the entire system involved in growing, processing, packaging, marketing, and finally delivering what I eat every day. I wish I had been paying more attention because our food system is what keeps us all alive. In the US, we made a few key decisions after World War II that at the time seemed to make good economic sense: Consolidate production, create synthetic inputs to boost soil output, and provide government incentives for farmers to go big in order to leverage economies of scale.
The result is a massive industrial farming system both in the US and around the world that is focused and incentivized primarily for international export, not local consumption. This same system now produces over 4000 calories of junk food per American PER DAY. That is our food system.
There is a better way. There is amazing research underway right now at institutions like the Rodale Institute demonstrating that we can take back farming from the factories and grow more nutritious food, have better yields, and be just as cost-competitive as any industrial farm in output.
Fortunately, we now have committed organizations such as the Food Revolution Network and the T. Colin Campbell Foundation that are committed to improving food literacy through education. We all need to understand the economic, social, and environmental impacts of how we grow food.
“THE NEED TO GROW” is a documentary film is on soil, food, and the future of our species – told through the lens of three extraordinary and very likable characters, and their journeys as solutionaries. It’s hosted by a top-notch celebrity (Rosario Dawson). It brings a non-divisive message about the stake we all have in humanity’s ability to sustainably grow food for future generations and will appeal to people of all dietary orientations.
Ready to learn more? Watch this trailer and learn what the next steps are to watch the entire documentary.