Life has a peculiar way of letting us know. Storms remind us of sunny days. Winter makes of us yearn for summer. Sadness pushes us to embrace the happier times. Death creates an urgency to grab on to life. With the knowledge and understanding that the ying and the yang co-exist, life is alive and well. Without this interplay, our day-to-day tends to be more shades of grey rather then brilliant rainbows that live alongside dark clouds. I choose to live with the rainbows, even though I know I will at times be fully engulfed in the dark clouds.
Why is this my blog this week? Because I want you to know that even though Bruce and I are living with cancer, and most likely always will be, we are living a richer life then we ever have. Don’t get me wrong – cancer sucks in every way, shape, and form. Would I give my right arm and left leg in exchange for Bruce NOT having cancer? You bet I would. But I can’t and although we have unbridled hope that we will see a cure, we are not waiting for that day to live wrapped around the rainbow. We are grabbing life NOW.
And here is where we need your help, because what I am about to purpose is bigger then the two of us. We need a village. No we need the whole country.
Men are diagnosed with prostate cancer everyday at an alarming rate. Their world, as well as their family’s worlds, are turned upside down. Bruce and I have lived this journey for 5 years, and we have been through it all. Fear, sadness, despair, hope, resolve, and persistence. It is clear to us that our knowledge, experience, education, and compassion is needed now more then ever to support these families to live a long and well life. We have shifted our lives’ purpose to helping others through mindfulness, meditation, research based nutrition and behavior change that actually works.
We are well-known in the fitness industry but not so much outside of it. In order to reach the masses with our message, we need a big boat. YOU are our boat. We truly believe that our One Day to Wellness program is a wake-up call. This message is exactly what people need to hear. One Day to Wellness provides hope and a road map to Wellness Way. Also, our book Living and Thriving with Cancer, which is a companion to One Day to Wellness, is currently being written.
How can you help? Reach your contacts who we aren’t reaching. Share this blog. Share our Facebook page. Join us on instagram at Mindy_Mylrea and OneDayToWellness. Share our website. Bring someone to a One Day to Wellness event
This message needs to get to the people who need it most and with your help, we know we can make a difference.
When you are faced with adversity, you make a choice how to deal with it. After we pulled ourselves out of the “why me” mud puddle, we dove into the research and alternative paths to take. Along the way, we learned that there are very few providing the message to help the whole person to live and thrive in all stages of life. We are a testament to this message and our hearts point to this greater cause. We hope you will join us for you and for everyone you touch.