We Can Do This

By April 27, 2017Mindy

What a difference 5 years makes. Today marks 5 ½ years since Bruce’s prostate cancer diagnosis. We have gone through surgery, 2 rounds of radiation, 1 year of hormone treatment, and more PSA tests then I can count. The past 2 days have been filled with scans and ultra scans that show cancer most likely is still present in the prostate bed, and we are up against a slowly rising PSA. We are about to embark on most likely throwing the kitchen sink at this: Radiation, chemo, and hormone treatment. We are going once again into battle mode, and we are surprisingly okay.

This feels like ground hog day in so many ways but today I am hopeful, thankful, and grateful. I will take this over the alternative. As I sat – once again – listening to the doctor yesterday and today, I held on to the simple fact that Bruce and I are here alive and hopeful. Yes, this has been a long fight, and no, it is not over. But the alternative is not an option. How lucky are we that we are still here to fight another fight. We can do this.

The last 5 years have armed us with the tools to fight this battle. Bruce and I are stronger today then we have ever been and our resolve to help others do the same is our new found mission. We would most likely not have created One Day to Wellness. We would perhaps not have gone to Europe for 2 weeks, not working but vacationing. We most likely wouldn’t be living at the beach in the home we dreamed of for 30 years. We wouldn’t be reading books on meditation and mindfulness. We might not say I love you multiple times a day to one another.

Life is about moments that teach us and make us more then where we are right now. We are who we are because of all that we wade through. I write this knowing that we are about to go through our battle again but I know that we will be stronger because of and in spite of it. We can do this.

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