Have you ever had a great idea? An idea that could revolutionize the current status quo. An idea that could make life easier, make the workload more efficient, or maybe it is just a cool new gadget. Sure, we all have! Unfortunately, that great idea stays in our creative brain with no exit strategy to make it into a tangible product.
My creative brain is always on brew mode – conjuring up the next program or product. Gliding Discs have been my baby for over 15 years. I never knew that such a simple idea could one day be an industry staple. And now, I would love to introduce you to 2 of my newest babies: Embracelets and Seeds of Change Cards.
When I created the Tabata Bootcamp program almost 10 years ago, I incorporated ways for the Bootcampers to easily implement positive actions that would generate behavior change. One of my ideas was to provide bootcampers with 8 bracelets that would be worn on the left wrist. The bootcamper would choose an action they wanted to include multiple times throughout the day – 8 times to be exact – and every time that action was completed, the bootcamper would move a bracelet from the left wrist to the right…because they did the RIGHT thing. But I have always been looking for a more elegant option than simple plastic bracelets.
Say hello to the Embracelet. These bracelets are beautiful to wear and fun to use. They have 7 beads that spell “Embrace” with our signature One Day to Wellness broccoli symbol as the 8th bead. While the beads are moveable, they stay in place when moved across the band of the bracelet. Every time an action is accomplished, the wearer moves a bead to represent the one action completed. By the end of the day, the goal is to have all 8 beads back together on the other side of the bracelet. This “nudge” throughout the day creates a behavioral shift over time and the Embracelet helps with that nudge.
The Seeds of Change Cards can be used either to launch a conversation or to generate a call to action. Each pack includes 24 cards with each offering one of 5 wellness themes – Mindfulness, Meditation, Moving, Nutrition, and Sleep. Each card includes a simple question based on one of the themes followed by two informational Seeds to reinforce the question. The bottom of the card offers up a challenge that coincides with the question.
As fitness pros, we have an amazing platform to assist our students and clients; While fitness is very important, remember there are many other facets included in the overall wellness picture. The Embracelets and Seeds of Change Cards provide simple solutions for spreading the wellness message.
Education is a great way we can help our students on their individual wellness journey. This has always been my message and now, I have tools to help you incorporate this into your career as well.