First of all, an update from my blog from two weeks ago: My PSA blood test test came back as undetectable! This means my cancer is still in remission 3 months after ending hormone therapy. A really good sign and Mindy and I are elated and reveling in the news. However, I do know that this is only one data point and that the cancer can return at anytime. Being vigilant about a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating will continue to be my game plan…forever.
Wow, what a week! Mindy and I just got back from a phenomenal SCW Dallas Mania event. During Mindy’s and my lecture, “What Can I Eat”, I really tried to emphasis the importance of parents with young children to take action now to put their kids on the right nutrition track to give them the best odds of living a chronic disease free life. What better gift to give our children than the vector of the best odds for life long health?
After the lecture, I had the opportunity to speak with Kelly Johnston, who was attending the conference. Kelly is a tireless advocate for spreading the word about helping parents help their kids get a head start on a whole food, plant based diet. She and her beautiful daughter, Trinity, who is nine, have co-authored a book for kids and nutrition titled “Trinity’s Tips”. It’s a wonderfully illustrated book that speaks directly to young kids, from young kids. You have to watch this 1 minute video from Trinity, herself!
I think she is destined to be a movie star, don’t you? The book can be purchased here.
Thanks Kelly and Trinity for doing the right thing.The take away is please take the time to do some thorough research regarding nutrition as it relates to young children. The sooner kids develop a plant strong lifestyle, the better their odds of living a chronic disease free life
In good health,